Enhancing Education Tools for Primary School Children
DSI works with the National University of Mongolia to enhance the training tools available for primary school children from herder families in distant rural areas to ensure that these children have the same resources available as other children of Mongolia. In short, DSI seeks to ensure that no child is left behind.
To make this vision a reality, in partnership with the National University of Mongolia, DSI develops inexpensive, entertaining, and easy to use digital training tools that are implemented into the classroom for teachers and students to use. Specifically, Core Programs of Study (CPOS) are developed that all children should have knowledge of and understand at each age level. These programs are built into DVD and computer modules that contain specific assignments and instructions for children to work through in the classroom. Similar modules are available for parents to help their children at home.
The primary objective of the project is to implement these digital training modules into the classrooms of children of herder families in rural areas of Mongolia so that these children are able to keep on track with other children in similar age groups. A secondary objective of the project is to better equip the teachers at primary schools with the tools and resources necessary to teach the children, improving the quality of teaching. The project seeks to provide new teaching methodologies that will in turn lead to long-term improvements in the teaching and learning process.